Bulgarian Language, Literature, Culture
- Pocetna
- Departments
- Department of Serbian with South Slavic Languages
- Bulgarian Language, Literature, Culture
- Programs of Study
- Contact details
- Zaposleni
Programs of Study – Undergraduate Studies
Bulgarian has been studied as one of the South Slavic elective subjects for students of the Serbo-Croatian language and Yugoslav literature since 1962.
Bulgarian Studies is a major that has existed at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Philology for many decades. It is the only place in Serbia offering Bulgarian language, literature and culture studies and also official language competence testing in Bulgarian from A1 to C2 level according to the Common European Framework. Potential freshmen can also choose to take the entrance exam in Bulgarian.
This major will give students the opportunity to learn Bulgarian both practically and theoretically. They will acquire all the skills necessary to use Bulgarian for the purposes of translation and its practical application and will master Bulgarian at the diachronic and synchronic level. In addition to the language, students will study Bulgarian literature from the theoretical and historical point of view and will also learn about the cultural history of Bulgaria.
By taking Bulgarian Studies at the Faculty of Philology, students can receive a well-rounded humanistic education, since, during their undergraduate studies, students have the opportunity to choose two more foreign languages, as well as other subjects from various fields, according to their affinities.
Programs of Study – M.A. Studies
The M.A. programme at the Faculty of Philology offers students innovative theoretical, practical and professional knowledge, as they are trained to further perform various assignments in the professions of their choice. Competencies developed through the undergraduate programmes in the Faculty are further enhanced and developed in different M.A. programmes offered by the Faculty of Philology. Aside from deepening their professional and academic competences, M.A. students are provided with guidance in the process of preparation, writing and defence of their M.A. theses. M.A. studies at the Faculty of Philology allow students to broaden their horizons in the area of linguistic research, literary studies, cultural studies, translation and interpreting studies, as well as in teaching methodologies (for both foreign languages and Serbian as a foreign language).
Contact details
- Head of the Department
- Vanja Stanišić, PhD
- vanjast@gmail.com
- Vice-Head of the Department
- Vesna Lompar, PhD
- lomparvesna@gmail.com
- Secretary of the Department
- Aleksandra Rakonjac, MA
- srpskijezik@fil.bg.ac.rs
- +381(11)2639-869
- Librarians
- Ivana Spasojević
- Tomislav Matić, MA
- sjbiblioteka@gmail.com
- +381(11)2021-787